ponedeljek, 24. september 2007

Swimmer's ear infection symptoms

Swimmer's ear infection symptoms usually appear within a few days of exposure to contaminated water.
Most common Swimmer's ear infection symptoms are:

You feel pain when you move your outer ear (pinna, or auricle)

Pain or discomfort in or around your ear. Usually only one ear is involved.

Itching of your outer ear.

Swelling in your ear or lymph nodes in your neck.

Feeling of fullness or stuffiness in your ear.

Pus draining from your ear.

Decreased or muffled hearing.

Swimmer's ear may also cause your outer ear to appear red with scaly or flaking skin.

Natural antibiotic alternative specifically formulated for ear infections

ponedeljek, 3. september 2007

Ear infection symptoms closer look

For closer look to yor ear infection symptoms problem you might want to use otoscope, which enables you to take a closer look in ear to see what is going on. It is very useful, because if you buy otoscope for personal use you get pictures of samples how, ear shoul look at ceartain stage. This helps you to identify ear infection symptoms in the early stage, and also to diagnose it with greater ease.
Ear infection symptoms