četrtek, 30. avgust 2007

Cure ear infection symptoms naturally

Did you know that in 80% of cases of minor illnesses souch as sore throat, the ear infection symptoms (otitis media), sinusitis and the common cold, which are in most cases caused by a virus, against which an antibiotic is useless.
Source: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 2007; 60 (supplement 1):3-90
Natural antibiotic alternative specifically formulated for ear infections
Ear infection symptoms

Tip reduce ear infection symptoms:

Help baby with ear infection symptoms sleep through the night by slightly elevating the mattress in the crib by putting a blanket or another safe item under the mattress. This will help prevent fluid buildup in the tubes of their ears, which causes the pain that wakes up your child. Both of you will sleep better. Source

Natural antibiotic alternative specifically formulated for ear infections

Ear infection symptoms

Tips to reduce ear infection symptoms

Usually ear infection symptoms starts with cold, so its good to keep your child from contact with children who have cold. Then you teach your children proper nose-blowing technique so he will blow softly, not to drive infection into the ears. Also children who lives with smokers are more susceptible to middle-ear infections than are those who live in smoke free homes. It is essential to get your child to the doctor as soon as you suspect an ear infection, but to do that, you need to be aware of the ear infection symptoms.

Cure ear infection with natural remedy

Ear infection symptoms

Common ear infection symptoms are:

*Fever cold (ear infection starts with cold)
*Pain, throbbing or aching
*Reduced hearing
*Nausea and vomiting
*Dizziness or loss of balance
*Discharge or bleeding from the ears

Cure ear infection with natural remedy

Ear infection symptoms